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Live Stream Concert


Live stream concerts

Fuze Live Media can live stream your concert or show, to a remote virtual audience who can't attend in person.


Through our professional quality cameras, sound capture and live streaming equipment, we can stream the concert to social media platforms or a bespoke private link, which can be broadcast anywhere around the world.

We add graphics, logos & also include pre-recorded videos or live presentations. Live chat and comments from social feeds can be added if you require.

Live Stream Surtal Arts Derby
How does a live stream work?

Think of us as a virtual guest, we set up our cameras and audio to capture your concert, so those virtual guest can watch online from their smart phone, tablet, computer or smart TV.

Live Stream Band Nottingham

Concert Live Stream Example

Basic concert pakage
  • 2 x Cameras (Camera 1 - fixed position with pan & zoom. Camera 2 - Wireless fixed position only).*

  • 1 x Camera Operator / Live Stream Engineer. * 

  • 1 x Audio Input (Line Level)

  • 1 x Microphone (Background ambience from audience etc).

  • 2 x Graphic overlay (Intro Titles & Outro Credits).

  • Broadcast to a single destination, Facebook, Youtube, Twitch, Mixcloud, Vimeo etc.**

  • Complete unedited video available post event via a downloadable link. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will my virtual audience see?

    Our cameras can be positioned to let your virtual audience feel like they are part of the audience. We position our main camera at the rear next to the streaming station, the second camera can be positioned nearer the stage. A third camera is a great option for close ups of the performer or a view of the audience.

  • What will my virtual audience hear?

    We take a line level audio feed from the performers or the venue PA, this can be adjusted to correct volume levels for the social media platform. We also provide extra microphones to pick up the audience, atmosphere and ambiance.

  • Are we able to have graphics for opening titles and end credits?

    We include 2 graphics cards, but you can have up to 20 including a small logo tag. We can produce these for you, for an small extra fee.

  • Is the concert recorded as a backup?

    Yes, we always record the stream to a hard drive during the performance, in case of any technical issues. This will be available to you as an unedited downloadable link MP4 file.

  • Can we sell tickets for the Live Stream?

    Yes, we can provide or help you set up a ticketed option. There are several platforms that carry out this option, often the providers take a small fee or cut for the service, so you need to be aware of this when setting your ticket price. Again we can set this up for you, for an extra fee. But it is a great way to generate extra revenue.


* Up to 4 cameras and microphones can be provided at extra cost.

A min of two cameras allows us to have a wide shot or alternative angle of the venue as well as the main operated camera that can be re-framed when the viewer is watching the wide shot..

**Can be broadcast to multiple destinations at extra cost.

A Full Non Refundable 20% deposit is required at the time of booking.

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